After the Response Phase ends for an Event or round, the Grit Test will email you an invitation to review other participants' responses for that Event or round.
How to Review Events
Return to the Grit Test site and follow the instructions in your email to respond to the prompts and submit your review. If the Review Phase has begun, it will appear under the To Do section on the home page and as an Active Event on the My Events page.
1. From the To Do page, click the Review Due button or click the Review button on your My Events page to begin.
2. On the Event’s Review Phase, you will see how many prompts you need to review and their corresponding Review scores to submit. Below that find the original video prompt and your videos to review.
You may choose whether you want to proceed through the Review Phase through Prompts or Responders, or switch back and forth as you review by clicking the button with circular arrows on the right of the first section.
If you choose to Review by Prompts, read the next section, Review by Prompts. If you choose to Review by Responders, please skip down to the below section, Review by Responders.
Review by Prompts
If you choose to Review by Prompts, you'll see the Prompts section, where you can click the buttons to cycle through each prompt, and the Responses section, where you can see the responses to this Prompt and their current ratings. If you need to review the original prompt for the response, click the play button on the Video Prompt.
3. Click the Response video’s play button to review the response.
4. Once you’ve watched the video, move the sliders back and forth to score your review of the response, fill out any additional custom attributes, and leave a comment. Your event will provide instructions for any required review fields.
Please Note: The Report button is there for your safety! Please click the report button to report videos that are inappropriate based on any audio or visual content within that response. Please do not hesitate to report any video you find offensive or inappropriate.
5. Click Save to Save your Score. This will be reflected in the prompts and reviews above.
6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for all prompts and their responses for this event. Click the prompt buttons on the top to cycle through all prompts and their responses.
7. Once complete, click the Submit button to submit your reviews.
8. On the pop up, click the Confirm button to confirm submission or the Cancel button to re-work your review.
You have successfully completed the Review Phase!
Review by Responders
If you choose to Review by Responders, you'll see the Responders section, where you can click the buttons to cycle through each Responder, and the Responses section, where you can see the Responder's responses and their current ratings.
3. Scroll down to see if you need to review the original prompt for the response, click the play button on the Video Prompt to the left of each Video Response.
4. Click the video’s play button to review the response.
5. Once you’ve watched the video, move the sliders back and forth to score your review of the response, fill out any additional custom attributes, and leave a comment. Your event will provide instructions for any required review fields.
Please Note: The Report button is there for your safety! Please click the report button to report videos that are inappropriate based on any audio or visual content within that response. Please do not hesitate to report any video you find offensive or inappropriate.
6. Click Save to Save your Score. This will be reflected in the prompts and reviews above.
7. Repeat Steps 4-6 for all responders and their responses for this event. Click the Responder buttons to cycle through all responders and their responses.
8. Once complete, click the Submit button to submit your reviews.
9. On the pop up, click the Confirm button to confirm submission or the Cancel button to re-work your review.
You have successfully completed the Review Phase!
Events with Multiple Rounds
If your Event has Multiple Rounds then follow all steps in the instructions above for your first round.
How to Review Events with Multiple Rounds
1. After responding to your additional round, you will receive an email when that round's Review Phase opens.
2. When the next round's Review Phase opens, access the Review phase from the To Do section of your home page or by clicking My Events on the top left.
On your My Events page, along with the information described above, additional Rounds display your Score and Rank from past rounds as well as provide the Reviews of Me, My Results, Current Rankings, and View Leaders buttons, which will take you to their respective tabs on the My Results page. For more information, see our Help Center article, My Results Page.
3. Click the Review Due button from the home page or click the Review button on your My Events page to begin the next round of Reviews.
4. Follow the steps in the above section, How to Review.
You completed the Review Phase for that round! The Grit Test will email you if there is another round, otherwise you have successfully completed this additional Review Phase!
Follow the instructions in this section for any additional round until all rounds are completed.