Click the My Results button on the top left menu to go to your My Results page.
The My Results page is where you can find the rankings, results, and the reviews people gave you for Events in which you participated in their respective tabs.
The rankings section of My Results shows the breakdown of each responders scores and the ranks for Events in which you participated.
You can browse through the names of the different winners, see their total scores, and, if there is more than one Event, view their rank changes, and how those participants are trending.
- The total score is a composite score of your reviewed responses scores and your relative score to other participants.
- Trending compares participants to past events and shows how the participant is ranking on average to trending up, down, or staying at a static ranking level.
- Rank Change is relative to how participants ranked in comparison to the last round.
You can also view the different Gold, Silver, and Bronze rank participants and see how they progressed through the Event with their Rank and Rank changes.
Click the Events button on the top right to change the results to a different event.
Leaders' Responses
Click the See Leaders' Responses button to be taken to the Leader Responses section.
Click the box of the Leader whose response you would like to see, then select the Response number to watch the Video Prompt and that Leader's video Response.
Use your browser's back button to return to the Ranking tab for that event.
Results display specific information about the scores, averages, and ranks of competitions in which you participated.
You will see how many participants have completed the conditions for the event and how many remaining need to respond, whether the event is active, your total score, and your rank.
You can click through each of your Responses' scores and compare them using the list of responses on the lower left and the chart on the lower right. The chart displays Your Average score and the overall Average score for that Response.
Click the Events button on the top right to change the results to a different event.
Reviews of Me
This is where you can view the Reviews to your different Responses for that event.
For each of your Responses you can view the prompt again, view your Response again, and investigate your Overall scores, Relative Performance Ratio (RPR), and Relative Performance Standing.
- Overall score is the number assigned to your response by the reviewer on a scale of 1-10.
- Relative Performance Ratio (RPR) is your Overall score divided by the average score your reviewer gave for this prompt. An RPR greater than one means this review was rated higher than the average response given. RPR is calculated at the conclusion of an Event's round.
- Relative Performance Standing (RPS) represents the ordinal result (1st, 2nd, etc.) that this user placed with respect to a reviewer for a prompt. RPS is calculated at the conclusion of an Event's round.
Click the Events button on the top right to change the results to a different event.